The Golden Tiger

Well, here I am finally writing a blog after longest gap ever, three months. The reason is obvious – the busy corporate life and hyper-active personal life. I could hardly find time for myself and do What I enjoy doing, Write! This is short blog but maybe the most memorable blog of a tiger sighting. […]

Treacherous life of king!

“King’s time as ruler rises like sun and falls like sun” – Lion King I am writing a blog after very long time. This blog has been on mind for sometime but I just couldn’t find time to finish it. This is story of rise and fall of dominant male of Tadoba range of Tadoba […]

Covid and Wild Life tourism

On 1st October 2020, Jungle safari season started with enthusiasm, hope and caution. For last 10 days, all my social media pages are filled with images of wildlife and forests. A season that would  otherwise be celebrated with lot of fervor is now in stalemate. Covid has impacted tourism industry badly. I have not even […]

The Conversation – Language of foresters!

Male tiger walking on forest road during jungle safari

This blog is dedicated for those who have never been to jungle. It will give you some insights on possible conversations that happen. I had to limit the blog, to keep short reading times. However, I am sure you will have fun reading it. For my wildlife fraternity, I am sure you will reflect and […]

Life of Photographer

Let me start by saying, ”I am not a wildlife photographer, I am only a nature lover who enjoys tracking Tigers”. A few days ago it was World Photographers Day. It struck me that maybe I should write a blog on the same, So here I am. I have seen people getting amused when I […]

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