What’s in the name..Essence of life!

What’s in name? That which we call a rose by another name would smell sweet.. William Shakespeare It is statement followed by forest department (FD) pretty in letter and spirit these days. Maharashtra’s most popular  Tiger reserve – Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve recently released notice to everyone in eco system clearly stating “not to christen tigers […]

Temperamental & Savage – Bears of India

Winne- Yogi- Balu- Fozzie- Smokey- Barth…  What is common among them? They represent one of the most unique species from the wild called – bear! Bears have captured our imagination since ages. May it be the honey-loving Balu from jungle book or sweetheart Winne, bears have an aura of their own. The lanky furry hair, […]

Maya – The mesmeriser of Tadoba!

Ask any Tiger lover who is regular to forests in India, who is Maya? You will get quick answer .. Legendary tigress in making at Tadoba National Park. She is a celebrity tigress of Tadoba. She’s so popular that Animal Planet is currently making a documentary on her life. All jungles have tigers who are […]

Ghost sighted in land of Taru!

Leopards of wild are ghosts to me. I have been going to jungle regularly for last 5 years and haven’t seen one. Leopards are stealthy and super shy hence very elusive. Earlier I have written blogs on how I missed them by whiskers. How I felt their presence but could never see them. I felt […]

Best places to spot tigers in India during jungle safari!

This blog is in continuation to my earlier blog about doing jungle safaris with expectation of seeing tigers. Well to start off I would like to share that no one can guarantee a tiger sighting in safari. This blog essentially would help you to prepare for jungle safaris, to see a tiger.  I will also […]

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